Solved Paper Financial Accounting I 2022 Punjab University

Solved Paper Financial Accounting I 2022 Punjab University

This post contains Solved Paper Financial Accounting I 2022 Punjab University, in which different topics of Financial Accountings are addressed such as Bills of Exchange, Final Accounts with Adjustments, Depreciation, Rectification of Errors, Non Trading Concern, Accounts from Incomplete Record, Partnership etc. All questions those are asked in the paper, are solved with great care and accuracy, if any error is found that will be purely mine. Other solutions and lectures posted on the subject such as Business Statistics and Mathematics are also available on the Website bcfeducation. Stay connected for the future solutions and lectures for all other topics of Accounting and Finance at all levels. Solved Paper Financial Accounting I 2023 has already posted.

Table of Contents

Solved Paper Financial Accounting I 2022 Punjab University

Q.1: On 1st January, 2022, Mr. X bought goods for Rs. 60,000 from Mr. Y and accepted two bill of exchange in settlement, one for Rs. 20,000 at four months and second for Rs. 40,000 payable after six months…..

Q.1: On 1st January, 2022, Mr. X bought goods for Rs. 60,000 from Mr. Y and accepted two bill of exchange in settlement, one for Rs. 20,000 at four months and second for Rs. 40,000 payable after six months. The first bill was honoured on due date, but before the second bill fell due, it was cancelled by mutual consent and a new bill for three months was accepted by Mr. A for the amount of second bill plus interest Rs. 500. Mr. Y sent this bill to his bank for collection, but on due date the bill was dishonoured.

From the above information, prepare journal entries in the books of both parties,


X’s Journal

Jan, 1Purchases A/c 60,000 
                Mr. Y’s A/c  60,000
 (Goods bought on credit from Mr. Y)   
Jan, 1Mr. Y’s A/c 20,000 
                B/P A/c  20,000
 (Acceptance given to Y for the 1st bill)   
Jan, 1Mr. Y’s A/c 40,000 
                B/P A/c  40,000
 (Acceptance given to Y for the 2nd bill)   
May, 4B/P A/c 20,000 
                Cash A/c  20,000
 (1st bill paid at maturity)   
Jul,1B/P A/c 40,000 
                Mr.Y’s A/c  40,000
 (2nd bill cancelled for renewal)   
Jul, 1Interest A/c 500 
                Mr.Y’s A/c  500
 (interest amount payable to Mr. Y on 2nd bill)   
Jul, 1Mr. Y’s A/c 40500 
                B/P A/c  40500
 (Acceptance given from Mr. Y for renewed bill including interest)   
Oct, 4B/P A/c 40,500 
                Mr. Y’s A/c  40,500
 (Bill dishonoured on the due date)   

Y’s Journal

Jan, 1X’s A/c A/c 60,000 
                Sales A/c  60,000
 (Goods sold on credit to Mr. X)   
Jan, 1B/R A/c 20,000 
                Mr. X’s A/c  20,000
 (Acceptance received from X for 1st bill)   
Jan, 1B/R A/c 40,000 
                Mr. X’s A/c  40,000
 (Acceptance received from X for 1st bill)   
May, 4Cash A/c 20,000 
                B/R A/c  20,000
 (1st bill received at maturity)   
Jul,1Mr. X’s A/c 40,000 
                B/R A/c  40,000
 (2nd bill cancelled for renewal)   
Jul, 1Mr. X’s A/c 500 
                Interest A/c  500
 (interest amount receivable from Mr. X)   
Jul, 1B/R A/c 40,500 
                Mr.X’s A/c  40,500
 (Acceptance received from Mr. X for renewed bill including interest)   
Jul, 1Bank for collection A/c 40,500 
                B/R A/c  40,500
 (Bill sent to bank for collection)   
Oct, 4Mr. X’s A/c 40,500 
                Bank for collection A/c  40,500
 (Bill dishonoured on the due date)   

Q.2: The following errors were found in the books Faheem Stores…….Give journal entries necessary to correct these errors and prepare Suspense Account.

Q.2: The following errors were found in the books Faheem Stores:

a) Goods bought from a supplier amounting to Rs. 560 had been posted to the credit of his account as Rs. 650.

b) An item of Rs. 1000, entered in the Returns Inwards Book had been posted to the debit of the customers who return the goods.

c) Sundry items of Plants sold amounting to Rs. 5000 had been credited in the Sales Book.

d) An amount of Rs. 8000 owing by a customer had been omitted from the schedule of Sundry Debtors.

e) Discount amounting to Rs. 1500, allowed to a customer had been duly entered in his account but not posted to Discount Account.

Give journal entries necessary to correct these errors and prepare Suspense Account.


(a)Supplier’s A/c 90 
                Suspense A/c  90
 (being supplier’s account overstated, now rectified)   
(b)Suspense A/c 2000 
                Customer’s A/c  2000
 (being sales return wrongly debited to customer’s account, now rectified)   
(c)Sales A/c 5000 
                Plant A/c  5000
 (Plant sold wrongly credited to sales account, now rectified)   
(d)Sundry Debtors A/c 8000 
                Suspense A/c  8000
 Customer’s account not omitted from the schedule of sundry debtors, now rectified)   
(e)Discount Allowed A/c 1500 
                Suspense A/c  1500
 (Discount account not posted, now rectified)   

Q.3 The following Trial Balance is taken from the Books of Rehan Stores…..After making the following adjustments, prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account/Income Statement for the year ended 31st December 2021 and a Balance Sheet on that date.

Q.3 The following Trial Balance is taken from the Books of Rehan Stores:

AccountsAmounts Rs.AccountsAmounts Rs.
Stock (1-1-21)80,000Purchases returns6000
Salaries19000Bank Loan80000
Bad debts5000Sundry creditors14000
Sundry debtors36000  
Plant and machinery34000  
Sales returns9000  
Trade expenses10000  
Total 750000Total750000

After making the following adjustments, prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account/Income Statement for the year ended 31st December 2021 and a Balance Sheet on that date.

1. Stock on 31st December 2021 Rs. 65000.

2. Depreciate Plant and machinery by 10% & furniture by 15%.

3. Wages Rs. 7000 and salaries Rs. 2500 are outstanding.

4. Interest receivable on investment for the year is Rs. 12000


Rehan Stores

Trading, Profit & Loss Account

For the year ended 31st Dec 2021

Opening Stock80,000Closing Stock65,000
Purchases                        285,000 Sales                            450,000             
Less Returns                    (6,000)279,000Less Returns                (9,000)441,000
Wages                               20,000   
Add Outstanding                7,00027,000  
Gross Profit c/d120,000  
 506,000 506,000
Salaries                            19,000 Gross Profit b/d120,000
Add outstanding               2,50021,500Accrued Interest12,000
Depreciation on Furniture   
2,000 x 0.15300  
Depreciation on Plant & Machinery   
34,000 x 0.103400  
Bad debts5000  
Trade expenses10000  
Net Profit Transferred to Balance Sheet70,000  
 132,000 132,000

Rehan Stores

Balance Sheet

Year ended 31st Dec, 2021

Fixed Assets: Capital & Owner’s Equity: 
Furniture Less Depreciation: Capital                                200,000 
(2,000 – 300)17,00Less Drawings                   (11,000) 
Machinery Less Depreciation: Add Net Profit                    70,000259,000
(34,000 – 3400)30,600Current Liabilities: 
Patents35000Bank Loan80000
Investment170000Sundry creditors14000
Current Assets: Wages outstanding7000
Cash12200Salaries outstanding2500
Accrued Interest12,000  
Closing Stock65,000  
Sundry debtors36000  
 362,500 353,000
Solved Paper Financial Accounting I 2022 Punjab University

Q.4: From the following Receipt and Payment Account of a Peoples Library, prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th June, 2022 and a Balance Sheet on that date….

Q.4: From the following Receipt and Payment Account of a Peoples Library, prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th June, 2022 and a Balance Sheet on that date:

ReceiptsAmount Rs.PaymentsRs.
Balance at Bank 01-07-202170000Salaries of librarian20000
Subscriptions50000Rent & other expenses25000
Fees from non-members10000Books purchases41000
Municipal grant25000Repair expenses5000
Donations30000Misc. Expenses3000
  Furniture purchased20000
  Balance c/d71000
 185000 185000

A bill for books purchased during the year amounting to Rs. 6000 was outstanding.

Subscription receivable Rs. 5000.

Charge depreciation on Furniture by Rs. 2000.


Working 1 Calculation of Capital

Cash Balance70000Capital Fund Balancing Figure70,000
 70,000 70,000

People’s Library

Income & Expenditure A/C

For the year ended 30th Jun, 2022

Salaries of librarian20000Annual Subscription        50,000 
Rent & other expenses25000Add Outstanding              (5000)55,000
Repair expenses5000Fees from non-members10000
Misc. Expenses3000Municipal grant25000
Depreciation on Furniture2000Donations30000
 120,000 120,000

People’s Library

Balance Sheet

As on year ended 30th Jun, 2022

Cash Balance71,000Capital Fund W:1           70,000 
Furniture                     20,000 Add Surplus                    65,000135,000
Less Depreciation       (2000)18,000Books bill outstanding6000
Books                          41,000   
Add outstanding           600047,000  
Subscription outstanding5000  
 141,000 141,000

Q.5: Following is the Balance Sheet of M and N as at January 1st 2021…..Give journal entries, ledger accounts and Balance Sheet after S’s admission.

Q.5: Following is the Balance Sheet of M and N as at January 1st 2021:

AssetsAmount Rs.Liabilities & Owners EquityAmount Rs.
Cash at Bank50000Sundry Creditors40000
Sundry Assets140000General Reserve40000
  M Capital60000
  N Capital50000
 190000 190000

M and N were sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:1. On the above date, S was admitted as partner as per the following conditions:

a) S brings Rs. 40000 as capital

b) He pays Rs. 50000 as his share of goodwill

c) M and N withdraw half of their share of goodwill

d) The new profit sharing ratio among M, N and S is to be 3:1:1 respectively.

Give journal entries, ledger accounts and Balance Sheet after S’s admission.



 Cash A/C 90,000 
                S’s Capital A/C  40,000
                Goodwill A/C  50,000
 (S introduces capital and goodwill)   
 Goodwill A/C 50000 
                M’s Capital A/C  33333
                N’s Capital A/C  16667
 (Goodwill distributed between old partners in ratio 2:1)   
 M’s Capital A/C 16666.5 
 N’s Capital A/C 8333.5 
                Cash A/c  25,000
 (Half of goodwill withdrawn by partners)   

M’s Capital Account

 Cash A/c16666.5 Balance b/d60,000
 Balance c/d76,666.5 Goodwill A/C33333
  93,333  93,333

N’s Capital Account

 Cash A/c8333.5 Balance b/d50,000
 Balance c/d58333.5 Goodwill A/C16667
  66667  66667

S’s Capital Account

 Balance c/d40,000 Cash A/c40,000
  40,000  40,000

Cash Account

 Balance b/d50,000 M’s Capital A/C16666.5
 S’s Capital A/C40,000 N’s Capital A/C8333.5
 Goodwill A/C50,000 Balance c/d115,000
  140,000  140,000

Firm’s Updated Balance Sheet

AssetsAmount Rs.Liabilities & Owners EquityAmount Rs.
Cash at Bank115,000Sundry Creditors40000
Sundry Assets140000General Reserve40000
  M Capital76,666.5
  N Capital58333.5
  S Capital40,000
 255,000 255,000

Q.6: From the following particulars, prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement of Mr. Akif on 31st March, 2021….

Q.6: From the following particulars, prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement of Mr. Akif on 31st March, 2021:

a) Balance as per the Pass Book Rs. 72500 Cr.

b) Insurance premium of Rs. 8000 was directly paid by the bank for which there is no record in the cash book

c) Interest of Rs. 5600 is credited by the bank in the Pass Book which is not recorded in the Cash Book. d) Cheques for a total amount of Rs. 45000 were deposited into the bank in March but out of them cheque for Rs. 15000 were credited in April.

e) A cheque for Rs. 20000 was deposited into the bank in March but in April the cheque was returned by the bank as dishonoured.

f) A cheque of Rs. 10000 was issued in March but it was not presented to the bank in the same month.



Bank Reconciliation Statement

Month ended 31st March 2021

(a)Balance as per Pass Book Cr. 72,500
(b)Add Insurance premium directly paid by bank not recorded in cash book 8,000
(c)Less interest credited by the bank but not recorded in the cash book (5600)
(d)Add uncredited cheques 15000
(e)Add cheque deposited but returned dishonored 20,000
(f)Less unpresented Cheque (10,000)
 Balance as per Cash Book Dr. 99,900

Q.7: Saad keeps his books under Single Entry. He wishes to ascertain his profits for the year ending 31st December, 2021. His position on 1st January, 2021 was as follows……Prepare a statement showing his trading result for the year ended on 31st December. 2021 and a Balance Sheet as on that date, after.

Q.7: Saad keeps his books under Single Entry. He wishes to ascertain his profits for the year ending 31st December, 2021. His position on 1st January, 2021 was as follows;

“Cash in hand Rs. 13000; Cash at bank Rs. 9000; Stock of goods Rs. 12000; Furniture Rs. 25000; Sundry Debtors Rs. 11000; and Sundry Creditors Rs. 4500.

His position on 31st December 2021 is as under:

Cash in hand Rs. 10000; Cash at Bank Rs. 5000; Stock of goods Rs. 9000; Furniture Rs. 4400; Sundry Debtos Rs. 8900; Sundry Creditors Rs. 7550. During the year he had withdrawn from the business Rs. 2000 per month for private expenses.

Prepare a statement showing his trading result for the year ended on 31st December. 2021 and a Balance Sheet as on that date, after:

  • providing 5 per cent depreciation on furniture
  • Writing of Rs. 3000 as actual bad debts and making a further provision at 5 percent on Sundry Debtors for bad debts
  • One month rent Rs. 10000 is Outstanding and
  • Rs. 2000 have been paid in advance in respect of insurances.


Mr. Saad

Statement of Affairs

As on 1st Jan 2022

AssetsAmount (Rs.)LiabilitiesAmount (Rs.) 
Fixed Non-Current Assets: Non-Current Liabilities:  
Current Assets: Current Liabilities:  
Cash in hand13,000Sundry Creditors4500 
Cash at Bank9,000   
Stock12,000Capital (Balancing Figure)65,500 
Sundry Debtors11,000   
 70,000 70,000 

Mr. Saad

Statement of Affairs

As on 31st Dec 2022

AssetsAmount (Rs.)LiabilitiesAmount (Rs.)
Fixed Non-Current Assets: Non-Current Liabilities: 
Furniture                  4400 Nil 
Less Depreciation:   (220)4180  
4400 x 0.05   
Current Assets:   
Cash in hand10,000Current Liabilities: 
Cash at Bank5,000Sundry Creditors7550
Stock9,000Outstanding Rent10000
Sundry Debtors          8900 Capital (Balancing Figure)18,235
Less Write off           (3000)   
Less New Provision:  (295)5605  
(8900 – 3000) x 0.05   
Prepaid Insurance2000  
 35,785 35,785

Mr. Saad

Statement of Profit and Loss

Year ended 31st Dec 2022

Capital 31st Dec 202218,235
Add Drawings (2000 x 12)24000
Less Additional Capital(0)
Adjusted Capital42,235
Less Opening Capital 1st Jan 2022(65,500)
Net Loss for the year(23,265)

Q.8: Differentiate between Financial Accounting and Cost Amounting.


Financial Accounting

The area of accounting known as financial accounting maintains a comprehensive record of all the entity’s financial activities, which are then reported in appropriate forms at the conclusion of the financial period to improve the financial statements’ readability for users. Financial data is utilised by a wide range of people, including external parties and internal management.

The main goal of financial accounting is to prepare financial statements in a specified way for a given accounting period of a company. It contains the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement, all of which are useful in tracking an organization’s performance, profitability, and financial standing over time.

Cost Accounting

The area of accounting known as cost accounting is responsible for periodically recording, summarizing, and reporting cost data. Cost estimation and control are its main responsibilities. The ability to monitor labor efficiency, project plans and activities, regulate costs, determine selling price, and make other decisions is made easier for those who use cost data.

Cost accounting improves the efficacy of financial accounting by offering pertinent data, which eventually leads to an efficient decision-making process inside the company. Every expense incurred during the production process is tracked, starting from the material’s input and ending with the finished product.

Key Differences

  • The goal of cost accounting is to keep an organization’s cost data up to date. The goal of financial accounting is to keep an organization’s whole financial record.

  • Cost accounting keeps track of both fixed and variable expenses. Financial accounting, on the other hand, merely keeps track of past expenses.
  • Cost Accounting information identifies the profit associated with a specific product, activity or process. This is different from Financial Accounting, which identifies the profit for the entire organisation over a specific period. 
  • Users of Financial Accounting include both internal and external parties, while users of Cost Accounting are restricted to the entity’s internal management.
  • Cost Accounting is concerned with controlling costs, whereas financial accounting is concerned with maintaining complete records of financial information on which to report at the end of an accounting period.

  • In cost accounting, stock is valued at cost; in financial accounting, it is valued at net realisable value, which is the lower of the two values.
  • Cost Accounting is only required for the organisation that deals with manufacturing and production operations. Financial Accounting is required for all organisations.
  • Cost Accounting data is reported regularly at regular intervals, whereas financial accounting data is reported after a financial year, which is usually one year.

Solved Paper Financial Accounting I 2023 Punjab University

Depreciation, Reasons of Depreciation, Methods of Depreciation, Straight Line/ Original Cost/Fixed Instalment Method, Diminishing/Declining/Reducing Balance Method.

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