Principles of Accounting I, Solved Paper 2018 Annual, ICOM I, FBISE, MCQS, Short Questions, Extensive Questions

Principles of Accounting I, Solved Paper 2018 Annual, ICOM I, FBISE, MCQS, Short Questions, Extensive Questions

In this post, we are going to solve the paper of Principles of Accounting I, Solved Paper 2018 Annual, ICOM I, FBISE, MCQS, Short Questions, Extensive Questions. This post will also be helpful for the students of BCOM, ADP Commerce and other disciplines related to business, finance and commerce. In other posts, all other chapters related to Principles of Accounting I will be discussed and also solved papers of Principles of Accounting for ICOM I for FBISEBISE LahoreBISE Rawalpindi will be presented to you. Solved Papers of Business Statistics are already posted on the website. More solved papers of Principles of Accounting I FBISE can be accessed from links below:

Table of Contents

Principles of Accounting I, Solved Paper 2018 Annual, ICOM I, FBISE, MCQS, Short Questions, Extensive Questions


Q 1: Choose the correct answer A / B / C / D by filling the relevant bubble for each question on the OMR Answer Sheet according to the instructions given there. Each part carries one mark.  

1Which of the following convention states “accounting practice should remain unchanged from one period to another”?
C)Full disclosureD)Consistency
2Sold goods costing Rs.1500 for Rs.1750 will increase the owner’s equity by Rs:
A)250 B)1500
3Accounts which keep records of expenses, gain and losses are called:
A)Personal AccountsB)Nominal Accounts
C)Real AccountsD)Partnership Accounts
4The bills which become payable at any time when they are presented by the holder are called:
A)Trade BillsB)Accommodation Bills
C)Term BillsD)Demand Bills
5Interest on renewal of a bill is an income tothe:
6The periodical total of the sales book is posted to the:
A)Debit of sales accountB)Credit of sales account
C)Credit of cash accountD)Credit of customer’s account
7When the goods are returned to the suppliers, an intimation is sent to them it is called:
A)Currency noteB)Invoice
C)Debit note D)Credit note
8An entry which is recorded on the both sides of cash book it is called:
A)Simple entryB)Compound entry
C)Combined entryD)Contra entry
9The term imprest system is used in relation to:
A)Cheque BookB)Petty Cash Book
C)Cash BookD)Pay-in Slip Book
10Profit or loss appropriation account is not prepared in the case of:
A)PartnershipB)Join Stock Company
C)Sole Tradership D)Partnership at will
11Cheques received from debtors but not collected by the bank are called:
A)Dishonoured chequesB)Un-credited cheques
C)Un-presented chequesD)Bounced cheques
12A cheque to Ali and Bros, returned dishonoured should be credited to:
A)Cheque AccountB)Cash Account
C)Bank AccountD)Ali and Bros. Account
13Outstanding expense given in adjustment is called:
A)A liability B)A gain
C)An expenseD)An asset
14If the closing stock appears in the trial balance, it is taken only to the:
A)Profit and Loss AccountB)Trading Account
C)Balance Sheet D)Final Account
15The body of work sheet contains:
A)Five pairs of money columnB)Three pairs of money column
C)Four pairs of money columnD)Two pairs of money column
16Which one of the following is a direct expense?
A)Packing expenseB)Manufacturing expense
C)Advertising expenseD)Traveling expense
17_____ is the price of goods sold or servicesprovided by a business to its customers.
18An expenditure, which is non-recurring and irregular is called:
A)Capital expenditure B)Revenue expenditure
C)Shot-term expenditureD)Current expenditure
19If sales return for Rs.3000 were incorrectly included in sales book. Gross Profit will be:
A)Overstated by Rs.3000B)Understated by Rs.6000
C)Overstated by Rs.6000 D)Understated by Rs.3000
20Errors which affect one account can be:
A)Errors of commissionB)Errors of posting
C)Errors of OmissionD)Compensating errors

Short Questions

Total Marks Sections B and C: 80

Q 2: Attempt any TEN parts. The answer to each part should not exceed 3 to 4 lines.

(i) Define the term ‘drawings’.



Drawing is simply withdrawal of owner’s asset out of business for his/her personal use. It is contra to owner’s equity or capital. It may be in the form of goods or cash.

(ii) What are the three basic elements of accounting equation?


  1. Assets
  2. Liabilities
  3. Owner’s Equity or Capital

(iii) State the ‘Full Disclosure Convention’.


Full Disclosure Convention

It is an accounting principle in which it is stated that all meaningful monetary information must be included in the financial statements which is important for the reader of financial statements.

(iv) Write any three causes of disagreement between the balances asper cash book and pass book.


  1. Cheques issued by the account holder to creditors but not presented for payment.
  2. Cheques directly paid by the debtors to the bank but no intimation sent by the bank.
  3. Bank directly credited the account for receiving interest etc.

(v) What are ‘adjusting entries’?


Adjusting Entries

Adjusting entries are made at the end of the accounting period. It records any unrecognized revenue and expense. Common types of adjusting entries are accruals, deferrals and estimates.

(vi) What are Revenue Loss? Give two examples.


Revenue Loss

Loss incurred in the business in daily routine course of business is called revenue loss such as loss in selling goods or delivering services and bad debts etc.

(vii) Define the term ‘Deferred Revenue Expenditure’.


Deferred Revenue Expenditure

Deferred revenue expenditures are expenditures have monetary benefit expected for more than one year such as advertisement campaign for launching new product.

(viii) Write any three advantages of ‘worksheet’.


  1. An accurate way to assess a company’s financial standing before its financial statements are prepared.
  • The process of preparing financial statements for each accounting period is made easier by the accounting worksheet.
  • It reduces the mathematical errors and omission.

(ix) Define the cash system of accounting.

Answer: In cash system of accounting, only cash related transactions are recorded either for receiving or payment for current year or non-current year.

(x) What does discounting of a bill mean?


If drawer of a bill, discounts the bill from the bank for urgent money against discount given to bank before due date of bill is called discounting of bill.

(xi) Why ledger is called ‘king of all books of account’?


Ledger is considered as the king of all books of accounts because all journal entries are posted from journal to ledger accounts. It contains classified records of all transactions. Its balances are key to prepare trial balances and all financial statements.

(xii) Define the term ‘Abnormal Loss’. Give two examples.


Abnormal Loss

Any loss which occurs due to abnormal reasons is called abnormal loss such as loss due to accident, fire etc. Abnormal loss is also called unavoidable loss.

Section — C Part I Marks 50

Extensive Questions

Q 3: From the following Trial Balance of Mr. Mumtaz, prepare a trading and profit and loss account and a balance Sheet for the year ended on 31st March 2016……

Q 3: From the following Trial Balance of Mr. Mumtaz, prepare a trading and profit and loss account and a balance Sheet for the year ended on 31st March 2016.

ParticularsDebit (Rs.)Credit(Rs.)
Bills Receivable500 
Loose Tools100 
Rates and Taxes220 
Plant and Machinery2,000 
Office expenses600 
Sundry debtors3,500 
Income Tax50 
Capital 5,000
Bills Payable 900
Sales 24,900
Reserves for bad Debts 500
Sundry Creditor 2,330


  • Stock on 31st March. 2016 was Rs.3500.
  • Loose Tools on 31st March, 2016 was valued at Rs.70.
  • Write off Rs.400 out of Sundry Debtors on account of Bad Debts.
  • Depreciate Plant and machinery at 10 per cent.


Mr. Mumtaz

Trading Profit & Loss Account

As on 31st December 2016

Wages3,700Closing Stock3500
Gross Profit c/d3100  
 28400 28400
Depreciation on Plant & Machinery: Gross Profit b/d3100
(2000 x 0.10)200Bad Debts Over Provision100
Depreciation on Loose Tools:   
(100 – 70)30  
Rates and Taxes220  
Office expenses600  
Bad Debts                           0   
Add Write Off                   400   
Add New Provision:   
Less Old Provision          (500)  (100)   
Income Tax50  
Net Profit transferred to Capital1440  
 3200 3200

Mr. Mumtaz

Balance Sheet

Year ended 31st December 2016

Plant & Mach. Less Depreciation Capital                  5000 
(2000 – 200) 1800Less Drawings     (500) 
Loose Tools Less Depreciation Add Net Profit     14405940
(100 – 30)70Sundry creditors2330
Bills Receivable500Bills Payable900
Sundry Debtors                  3500                 
Less Write Off                   (400)   
Less New Provision            (0)3100  
Closing Stock3500  
 9170 9170

Q 4: From the following particulars write up a ‘Three Column’ cash book of Mr. Naseem…..

Q 4: From the following particulars write up a ‘Three Column’ cash book of Mr. Naseem.

2015    May 1              Cash in hand Rs.29,650

May 1              Cash at bank Rs.15,000

May 3              Goods sold for cash Rs.4,500

May 5              Goods bought for cash Rs. 9,000

May 8              Received a cheque from M. Farooq for Rs.9,650 in full settlement of his dues Rs.9,800.

May 9              Cheque received from M. Farooq deposited into the bank.

May 11            Paid to Zulfiqar cash Rs.5,000 and a cheque for Rs.4, 700 in full settlement of his dues for Rs.10,000.

May 15            Cash received from M. Kaleem Rs.4,900 in full settlement of his dues Rs.5,000.

May 17            Paid cash to Adnan Rs.1,950 in full settlement of his dues Rs.2,000.

May20 Received a cheque from Asim Rs.3,900 in full settlement of his dues Rs.4,000.

May 21            Cheque received from Mr. Asim deposited into the bank.

May25 Bank credited interest Rs.200

May26 Bank credited commission Rs.300

May29 Bank debited bank charges Rs.400

May30 Bank paid utility bill of Rs.300 on behalf of Mr. Naseem


Treble/Triple/Three Column Cash Book

DateParticularsV/NoL.FDiscount AllowedCashBankDateParticularsV/NoL.FDiscount AllowedCashBank
 2015      2015       
 1st May Balance b/d   2965015000 5th MayPurchases A/C   9000 
3rd MaySales A/C   4500 9th MayBank A/C C 9650 
8th MayM. Farooq’s A/C  1509650 11th MayZulfiqar’s A/C  30050004700
9th MayCash A/C C  965017th MayAdnan’s A/C  501950 
15th MayM.Kaleem’s A/C  1004900 21st MayBank A/C C 3900 
20th MayAsim’s A/C  1003900 29th MayBank Charges A/C    400
21st MayCash A/C C  390030th MayUtility Bill A/C    300
25th MayInterest A/C    200       
26th MayCommission A/C    300       
        30th MayBalance c/d    2310023650
    3505260029050    3505260029050

Part II Marks (10 x 3 = 30)

Q 5: Enter the following transactions in the relevant subsidiary books (Special Journals) of a trader and post them in the Ledger Account…..

Q 5: Enter the following transactions in the relevant subsidiary books (Special Journals) of a trader and post them in the Ledger Account.

  1. Purchased goods from Farid Bros. Rs.5000.
  2. Sold goods to X on credit Rs.3000
  3. Goods purchased from Farid and Bros. valued at Rs.500 now returned to them being not according to sample.
  4. Goods worth Rs.500 sold to X now received back from him as these were found unsuitable.
  5. Purchased from Noor and Co 100 kg tea@ 30 per kg.
  6. Sold to Naeem and Sons 30 kg Tea @ Rs.40 per kg.
  7. Returned by Naeem and Sons 10 kg tea being not according to sample.
  8. Retuned 10 kg tea to Noor and Co. being damaged.


Purchase Journal (Book)

DateDescriptionInvoice No.L.FDetails Rs.Amount Rs.
IFareed Bros  50005000
VNoor & Co.  30003000
 100 kg @ 30 per kg    
 Purchases A/C Dr.   8000

Sales Journal (Book)

DateDescriptionInvoice No.L.FDetails Rs.Amount Rs.
IIX  30003000
VINaeem & Sons  12001200
 30 kg @ 40 per kg    
 Sales A/C Cr.   4200

Purchase Return Journal (Book)

DateDescriptionInvoice No.L.FDetails Rs.Amount Rs.
IIIFarid and Bros  500500
VIIINoor & Co.  300300
 10 Kg @ 30 Per Kg    
 Purchases Return A/C Cr.   800

Sales Return Journal (Book)

DateDescriptionInvoice No.L.FDetails Rs.Amount Rs.
IVX  500500
VIINaeem & Sons  400400
 10 Kg @ 40 Per Kg    
 Sales Return A/C Dr.   900

Ledger Accounts

Purchases A/C
Sun. Creditors A/C 8000
Farid Bros. A/C
Purchases Return A/C 500Purchases A/C5000
Noor & Co. A/C
Purchases Return A/C 300Purchases A/C3000
Purchases Return A/C
  Sun. Creditors A/C800
Sales Return  A/C
Sundry Debtors A/C900  
Sales A/C
  Sundry Debtors A/C4200
Sales A/C3000Sales Return A/C500
Naeem & Sons  A/C
Sales A/C1200Sales Return A/C400

Q 6: On 1st November 2014. X drew and Y accepted a bill of Rs.1000 at two months. X sent the bill to his banker for collection…..

Q 6: On 1st November 2014. X drew and Y accepted a bill of Rs.1000 at two months. X sent the bill to his banker for collection. On the due date the bill was duly presented to the acceptor but he could not meet his acceptance. The bank paid Rs.25 as noting charges on behalf of X.

Required: Pass the Journal entries in the books of X, Y and the Bank.


X’s Journal

DateDetailL/FDr. AmountCr. Amount
Nov, 1B/R A/c 1000 
                Y’s A/c  1000
 (Acceptance received from Y)   
Nov, 1Bank for Collection A/c 1000 
                B/R A/c  1000
 (Bill sent for collection)   
Jan, 4Y’s A/c 1000 
                Bank for Collection A/c  1000
 (Bill dishonoured by Y)   
Jan, 4Y’s A/c 25 
               Bank A/c  25
 (Noting charges paid to bank and receivable from Y)   

Y’s Journal

DateDetailL/FDr. AmountCr. Amount
Nov, 1X’s A/c 1000 
                B/P A/c  1000
 (Acceptance given to X)   
Jan, 4B/P A/c 1000 
                X’s A/c  1000
 (Bill dishonoured)   
 Noting Charges A/c 25 
                X’s A/c  25
 (Noting charges claimed by X)   

Bank’s Journal

DateDetailL/FDr. AmountCr. Amount
Jan, 4X’s A/c 25 
                Cash A/c  25
 (Noting charges paid by bank on behalf of X)   

Q 7: The following facts relate to the business of Mr. Shahid……Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on Dec 31, 2015 with the help of ‘Revised Cash Book’.

Q 7: The following facts relate to the business of Mr. Shahid:

1. The bank overdraft as per cash book on 31st December 2015 was Rs.6000.

2. Interest on overdraft for six months ending 31st December 2015, Rs.200 is debited in the Bank Statement.

3. Bank charges for the above period also debited in the Bank statement amounted to Rs.50.

4. Cheques issued but not cashed, prior to 31st December 2015 amounted to Rs.1500.

5. Cheques paid into Bank, but not cleared and credited before 31st December 2015 were for Rs.2,500.

6. Interest on investments collected by the bankers and Credited in the Bank Statement amounted to Rs.1800.


Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement as on Dec 31, 2015 with the help of ‘Revised Cash Book’.


Revised Cash Book

DateParticularsBank Rs.DateParticularsBank Rs.
 Interest A/C1800 Balance b/d6000
 Balance c/d4450 Interest A/C200
    Bank Charges A/C50
  6250  6250
Mr. Shahid
Bank Reconciliation Statement
As on 31st December 2015
Balance as per Cash Book (Cr.) Cr. (4450)
Add Cheques issued but not cashed 1500
Less un-cleared cheques (2500)
Balance as Per Pass Book (Dr.) Cr. 5450

Q 8: A trader by preparing his Trial Balance found Rs. 800 excess debit and transferred it to the suspense account. Later he found the following errors…..

Q 8: A trader by preparing his Trial Balance found Rs. 800 excess debit and transferred it to the suspense account. Later he found the following errors:

  1. An item of sale for Rs. 5,900 was posted to the sales account as Rs. 9,500.
  2. The total of the Sales Returns Book had been added Rs.100 short.
  3. An amount of Rs.3,700 received from a customer had been credited to his account as Rs.7,300.
  4. Rs.1,50, 000 paid for purchases of building had been charged to the ordinary purchase account.
  5. A sum of Rs.9,500 written off from building account as depreciation had not been posted to depreciation account.
  6. An amount received from a debtor of Rs. 9,700 had been debited to his account as Rs. 7,900.


Give the rectifying entries and prepare the suspense account.



DateDetailsL/RDr. Rs.Cr. Rs.
(i)Sales A/c 3600 
                Suspense A/c  3600
 (Sales A/c overstated, now rectified)   
(ii)Sales Return A/c 100 
                Suspense A/c  100
 (Sales return short by 100, now rectified)   
(iii)Customer’s A/c 3600 
                Suspense A/c  3600
 (Customer’s A/c overstated, now rectified)   
(iv)Building A/c 150,000 
                Purchases A/c  150,000
 (Purchases A/c debited instead of building, now rectified)   
(v)Depreciation on building A/c 9500 
                Suspense A/c  9500
 (Depreciation on building not posted, now rectified)   
(vi)Suspense A/c 17,600 
                Debtor’s A/c  17,600
 (being debtors a/c wrongly debited with wrong amount, now rectified)   

Suspense Account

     Balance b/d 800
 Debtor’s A/c 17,600 Sales A/c 3600
     Sales Return A/c 100
     Customer’s A/c 3600
     Depreciation on building A/c 9500
   17,600   17,600

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