5. Analysis of Accounting Ratios, Liquidity Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Solvency Ratios, Efficiency Ratios, Market Ratios, Return on Investment Ratios, Different Ratios and their Formulas, Practice Questions for Understanding

Analysis of Accounting Ratios, Exercise Problem Questions & their solutions

In this post, Analysis of Accounting Ratios such as Liquidity Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Solvency Ratios, Efficiency Ratios, Market Ratios, Return on Investment Ratios, Different Ratios and their Formulas, Practice Questions for Understanding will be discussed with detail explanation.

Analysis of Accounting Ratios

Accounting ratios serve as numerical indicators that depict the correlation between diverse financial variables and figures within a company’s financial statements. These ratios play a crucial role in scrutinizing and appraising various facets of a company’s performance, financial well-being, and effectiveness. By offering valuable insights into the operational efficiency, profitability, liquidity, solvency, and overall financial stability of a company, these ratios aid in making informed decisions. The computation of accounting ratios involves dividing one financial metric by another, typically expressed as a percentage, ratio, or fraction. These ratios are further classified into distinct types based on the financial elements they evaluate. Some commonly observed categories of accounting ratios encompass:

Liquidity Ratios:

Liquidity ratios serve as financial indicators that assess a firm’s capacity to fulfill its immediate financial responsibilities and promptly convert its assets into cash. These ratios offer valuable insights into the company’s short-term financial well-being and its capability to address immediate obligations. Maintaining adequate liquidity is of utmost importance for businesses as it guarantees seamless operations, timely settlement of short-term debts, and effective management of unforeseen expenditures.

There are three types of liquidity ratios:

  1. Current Ratio
  2. Quick Ratio (Acid-Test Ratio)
  3. Cash Ratio

Profitability Ratios:

Profitability ratios are financial indicators that measure a firm’s capacity to produce profits in relation to its expenditures and other outlays over a given timeframe. These ratios offer significant perspectives into a company’s financial performance and effectiveness. Profitability ratios are utilized by investors, creditors, and management to appraise a company’s triumph in generating profits and competently managing its resources.

Some of the commonly used profitability ratios include:

  1. Gross Profit Ratio
  2. Operating Profit Ratio
  3. Net Profit Ratio
  4. Operating Ratio
  5. Expense Ratio
  6. Return on Equity (ROE)
  7. Return on Assets (ROA)

Solvency Ratios:

Solvency ratios are financial indicators that evaluate a firm’s capacity to sustain its long-term financial stability and fulfill its long-term debt responsibilities. These ratios offer valuable insights into the company’s overall financial framework, leverage, and its reliance on debt for funding its business activities. For creditors and investors, solvency ratios play a vital role in assessing the level of risk associated with a company’s ability to meet its long-term financial obligations. Below are a few commonly used solvency ratios:

  1. Debt-to-Equity Ratio
  2. Interest Coverage/Debt Service Ratio
  3. Capital Gearing Ratio
  4. Debts to Total Funds/Solvency Ratio
  5. Reserves to Capital Ratio
  6. Fixed Assets Ratio
  7. Proprietary Ratio

Efficiency Ratios:

Efficiency ratios, also referred to as operational or activity ratios, gauge a company’s ability to utilize its resources and assets to generate income and sales. These ratios offer valuable insights into a company’s operational efficiency and effectiveness in managing its resources and assets. By examining efficiency ratios, stakeholders can evaluate a company’s capacity to optimize its inventory, working capital, and receivables, which can significantly impact its overall financial performance.

Here are some common efficiency ratios are:

  1. Inventory Turnover Ratio
  2. Inventory Conversion Period
  3. Receivables/Debtors Turnover Ratio
  4. Receivables/Debtors Collection Period
  5. Payables/Creditors Turnover Ratio
  6. Payables/Creditors Payment Period
  7. Working Capital Turnover Ratio

Market Ratios:

Market ratios, also referred to as valuation ratios, are financial indicators that offer valuable insights into the market’s perception of a company’s stock. These ratios play a crucial role in assisting investors and analysts in evaluating the investment appeal of a company and its relative performance within the stock market. By comparing a company’s stock price to different financial metrics, such as earnings and book value, market ratios enable the assessment of its market value and growth potential.

Here are some common market ratios are:

  1. Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio
  2. Earnings per Share (EPS)
  3. Dividend Yield
  4. Price to Book (P/B) Ratio
  5. Market Capitalization
  6. Dividend Payout Ratio

Return on Investment Ratios:

Return on Investment (ROI) ratios serve as financial indicators that gauge the profitability of an investment and evaluate its performance in relation to the initial investment amount. Widely utilized by investors and analysts, ROI is expressed as a percentage and plays a crucial role in assessing the effectiveness and triumph of an investment. Diverse forms of ROI ratios exist, each designed to cater to specific contexts and provide valuable insights.

The adaptability of ROI ratios is noteworthy as they can be utilized in a multitude of investment types such as stocks, real estate, projects, and business ventures. These ratios serve as a tool for investors to evaluate the performance of their investments, compare different investment opportunities, and make informed decisions regarding capital allocation. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that ROI solely measures investment profitability and disregards the time factor and risk associated with the investment. Hence, investors should supplement ROI analysis with other metrics and consider the investment’s risk profile, holding period, and other pertinent factors for a more comprehensive assessment. Here are some ratios given below:

  1. Overall Profitability Ratio
  2. Return on Shareholder’s Fund
  3. Return on Gross Capital Employed
  4. Return on Investment ROI

Different Ratios and their Formulas

Liquidity Ratios:

Current Ratio

 \mathbf{Current\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Current\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\

Quick Ratio/Absolute Liquid/ Acid-Test Ratio

  \mathbf{Absolute\ Liquid\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Absolute\ Liquid\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\

Cash Ratio

  \mathbf{Cash\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{\ }\mathbf{Cash\ and\ Cash\ Equivalents}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\mathbf{\ }\

Profitability Ratios:

Gross Profit Ratio

 \mathbf{Gross\ Profit\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Gross\ Profit}}{\mathbf{Net\ Sales}}\mathbf{\ \times \ 100}\

Operating Profit Ratio

 \mathbf{Operating\ Profit\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Operating\ Profit}}{\mathbf{Net\ Sales}}\mathbf{\times 100}\

Net Profit Ratio

  \mathbf{Net\ Profit\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Net\ Profit}}{\mathbf{Net\ Sales}}\mathbf{\ \times \ 100}\

Operating Ratio

 \mathbf{Operating\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Cost\ of\ Goods\ Sold + Operating\ Expenses}}{\mathbf{Net\ Sales}}\mathbf{\ \times \ 100}\

Expense Ratio

  \mathbf{Expense\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Specific\ Expense}}{\mathbf{Net\ Sales}}\mathbf{\ \times \ 100}\

Return on Equity (ROE)

 \mathbf{Return\ on\ Equity\ Ratio\ ROE =}\frac{\mathbf{Net\ Profit\ \ after\ Tax}}{\mathbf{Average\ Stockholde}\mathbf{r}^{\mathbf{'}}\mathbf{s\ Equity}}\mathbf{\ \times \ 100}\

Return on Assets (ROA)

 \mathbf{Return\ on\ Assets\ Ratio\ ROA =}\frac{\mathbf{Net\ Income}}{\mathbf{Average\ Total\ Assets}}\mathbf{\ \times \ 100}\

Solvency Ratios:

Debt-to-Equity Ratio

 \mathbf{Debt\ to\ Equity\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Long\ Term\ Debt}}{\mathbf{Equity}}\

Interest Coverage/Debt Service Ratio

  \mathbf{Interest\ Coverage\ or\ Debt\ Coverage\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Earning\ Before\ Interest\ }\&\ Tax\ EBIT}{\mathbf{Fixed\ Interest\ Charges}}\

Capital Gearing Ratio

  \mathbf{Capital\ Gearing\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Equity}}{\mathbf{Fixed\ cost\ bearing\ securities}}\

Where Equity = Share Capital + Free Reserves + Profit

Where Fixed cost-bearing securities = Debentures + Long-term Loans

Debts to Total Funds/Solvency Ratio

 \mathbf{Debts\ to\ Total\ funds\ or\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Total\ Liabilities}}{\mathbf{Total\ Assets}}\

Reserves to Capital Ratio

 \mathbf{Reserves\ to\ Capital\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Total\ Reserves}}{\mathbf{Capital}}\

Fixed Assets Ratio

  \mathbf{Fixed\ Assets\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Net\ Fixed\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Long\ Term\ Funds}}\

Proprietary Ratio

 \mathbf{Proprietory\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Share\ Holde}\mathbf{r}^{\mathbf{'}}\mathbf{s\ Fund}}{\mathbf{Total\ Assets}}\

Efficiency Ratios:

Inventory/Stock Turnover Ratio

  \mathbf{Stock\ Turnover\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Cost\ of\ Sales}}{\mathbf{Average\ Stock}}\

Inventory Conversion Period

 \mathbf{Average\ Age\ or\ Conversion\ Period\ of\ Inventory = \ }\frac{\mathbf{Days\ of\ the\ Year}}{\mathbf{Stock\ \ Turnover\ Ratio}}\

Receivables/Debtors Turnover Ratio

 \mathbf{Debtors\ Turnover\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{\ Net\ Credit\ Sales}}{\mathbf{Average\ Trade\ Debtors}}\

Receivables/Debtors Collection Period

  \mathbf{Debtors\ Collection\ Period\ =}\frac{\mathbf{Average\ Total\ debtors}}{\mathbf{Net\ Credit\ Sales}}\mathbf{\times 365}\

Payables/Creditors Turnover Ratio

 \mathbf{Creditors\ Turnover\ Ratio\ =}\frac{\mathbf{Net\ Credit\ Purchases}}{\mathbf{Average\ Total\ Creditors}}\

Payables/Creditors Payment Period

 \mathbf{Average\ Payment\ Period\ =}\frac{\mathbf{Average\ Total\ Creditors}}{\mathbf{Net\ Credit\ Purchases}}\mathbf{\times 365}\

Working Capital Turnover Ratio

 \mathbf{Wokring\ Capital\ Turnover\ Ratio\ =}\frac{\mathbf{Cost\ of\ Sales}}{\mathbf{Net\ Working\ Capital}}\

Market Ratios:

Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio

 \mathbf{Price\ Earning\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Market\ Price\ Per\ Share}}{\mathbf{Earning\ Per\ Share}}\

Earnings per Share (EPS)

 \mathbf{Earning\ Per\ Share\ EPS =}\frac{\mathbf{Net\ Profit\ after\ giving\ Preferred\ Dividend}}{\mathbf{Number\ of\ Shares}}\

Dividend Yield

  \mathbf{Dividend\ Yield = \ }\frac{\mathbf{Dividends\ per\ Share}}{\mathbf{Market\ Price\ per\ Share}}\

Price to Book (P/B) Ratio

 \mathbf{Price\ to\ Book\ }\left( \frac{\mathbf{P}}{\mathbf{B}} \right)\mathbf{Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Market\ Price\ per\ Share}}{\mathbf{Book\ Value\ per\ Share}}\

Market Capitalization

 \mathbf{Market\ Capitalization = \ }\mathbf{Market\ Price\ per\ Share\ \times \ Number\ of\ Outstanding\ Shares}\

Dividend Payout Ratio

 \mathbf{Dividend\ Payout\ Ratio = \ }\frac{\mathbf{Dividends\ per\ Share}}{\mathbf{EPS}}\

Return on Investment Ratios:

Overall Profitability Ratio

 \mathbf{Overall\ Profitability\ Ratio = \ }\frac{\mathbf{Operating\ Profit}}{\mathbf{Capital\ Employed}}\mathbf{\times 100}\

Return on Shareholder’s Fund

 \mathbf{Return\ on\ Shareholde}\mathbf{r}^{\mathbf{'}}\mathbf{s\ Fund =}\frac{\mathbf{Net\ Profit\ after\ interest\ and\ Tax\ }}{\mathbf{Shareholde}\mathbf{r}^{\mathbf{'}}\mathbf{s\ Fund}}\mathbf{\times 100}\

Return on Gross Capital Employed

 \mathbf{Return\ on\ Gross\ Capital\ Employed =}\frac{\mathbf{Net\ Profit\ before\ interest\ and\ Tax\ }}{\mathbf{Gross\ Capital\ Employed}}\mathbf{\times 100}\

Return on Investment ROI

  \mathbf{Return\ on\ Investment\ ROI =}\frac{\mathbf{Net\ Profit\ before\ interest\ and\ Tax\ }}{\mathbf{Average\ Capital\ Employed}}\mathbf{\times 100}\

Analysis of Accounting Ratios, Liquidity Ratios, Profitability Ratios, Solvency Ratios, Efficiency Ratios, Market Ratios, Return on Investment Ratios, Different Ratios and their Formulas, Practice Questions for Understanding

Practice Questions for Understanding

Practice Question 1

From the following balance sheet, calculate current ratio:

Equity Share Capital150,000Land & Building100,000
Reserves & Surplus50,000Plant & Machinery80,000
Trade Creditors6000Cash5,000
Bills Payable5000Investments (Short Term)15,000
Bank Overdraft5000Bills Receivable5,000
Outstanding expenses1000Sundry Debtors 22,000 
Income Tax Payable3000Less Provision   2,00020,000
Proposed Dividends10,000Inventories30,000
  Work in Progress15,000
 290,000 290,000


  \mathbf{Current\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Current\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{90000}}{\mathbf{30000}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{3}}{\mathbf{1}}\mathbf{= 3:1}\

Calculation of Current Assets & Current Liabilities

Current AssetsRs.Current LiabilitiesRs.
Cash in hand5000Trade Creditors6000
Stock30,000Bills Payable5000
Investments15,000Bank Overdraft5000
Sundry Debtors (Net)20,000Outstanding expenses1000
Bills Receivable5000Income Tax Payable3000
Work in Progress15000Proposed Dividends10,000
Calculation of Current Assets & Current Liabilities

Practice Question 2

From the following balance sheet, calculate (i) Current Ratio (ii) Quick Ratio:

Equity Share Capital200,000Land & Building80,000
General Reserve90,000Machinery120,000
Sundry Creditors60,000Cash10,000
Bills Payable20,000Bank30,000
Bank Overdraft30,000Stock140,000
Provision for Tax5000Short Term Investments25,000
Proposed Dividend10,000Sundry Debtors 40,000 
Outstanding Salaries5000Less Provision    4,00036,000
Long Term Loans60,000Bills Receivable10,000
  Prepaid Insurance9,000
  Preliminary Expenses20,000
 480,000 480,000


Calculation of Current Assets & Current Liabilities

Current AssetsRs.Current LiabilitiesRs.
Cash10,000Sundry Creditors60,000
Bank30,000Bills Payable20,000
Stock140,000Bank Overdraft30,000
Short Term Investments25,000Provision for Tax5000
Sundry Debtors 40,000 Proposed Dividend10,000
Less Provision    4,00036,000Outstanding Salaries5000
Bills Receivable10,000  
Prepaid Insurance9,000  
Calculation of Current Assets & Current Liabilities

  \mathbf{Current\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Current\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{260,000}}{\mathbf{130,000}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{2}}{\mathbf{1}}\mathbf{= 2:1}\

 \mathbf{Quick\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Quick\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{111,000}}{\mathbf{130,000}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{0.85}}{\mathbf{1}}\mathbf{= 0.85:1}\

Quick Assets = Current Assets – (Stock + Prepaid Expenses) = 260,000 – (140,000 + 9000) = 111,000

Practice Question 3

From The following balance sheet calculate Absolute Liquid Ratio.

Share Capital500,000Goodwill50,000
Reserves190,000Plant & Machinery400,000
Bank Overdraft100,000Trade Investments200,000
Sundry Creditors140,000Marketable Securities150,000
Bills Payable50,000Bills Receivable40,000
Outstanding Expenses10,000Cash45,000
 9,90,000 9,90,000


 \mathbf{Absolute\ Liquid\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Absolute\ Liquid\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{225000}}{\mathbf{300000}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{0.75}}{\mathbf{1}}\mathbf{= 0.75:1}\

W 1: Absolute Liquid Assets = Marketable Securities + Cash in Hand + Cash at Bank = 150,000 + 45,000 + 30,000 = 225000

W 2: Calculation of Current Liabilities

Current LiabilitiesRs.
Bank Overdraft100,000
Sundry Creditors140,000
Bills Payable50,000
Outstanding Expenses10,000

Practice Question 4

From the following balance sheet of X Ltd.; as on December 31, 2001 calculate (a) current ratio (b) acid test ratio (c) absolute liquid ratio

Equity Share Capital10,00,000Cash & bank48600
General Reserve100,000Marketable Securities82000
Profit & Loss account217,000Stock272800
Secured Debentures250,000Debtors523000
Trade Creditors405750Bills Receivable22600
Bills Payable18000Advance Tax100000
Provision for Taxation264000Land & building800000
Bank Overdraft52000Plant & Machinery544000
Proposed Dividend86250  
 23,93,000 23,93,000


Working 1: Current Assets & Current Liabilities

Current AssetsRs.Current LiabilitiesRs.
Cash & bank48600Trade Creditors405750
Marketable Securities82000Bills Payable18000
Stock272800Provision for Taxation264000
Debtors523000Bank Overdraft52000
Bills Receivable22600Proposed Dividend86250
Advance Tax100000  

Working 2: Absolute Liquid Assets

Absolute Liquid Assets = Marketable Securities + Cash & Bank =82,000 + 48600 =130,600

Working 3: Liquid Assets

Liquid Assets = Current Assets – (Stock + Prepaid Expenses)

Liquid Assets = 1049000 – (272800 + 100,000) = 676,200

  \left( \mathbf{a} \right)\mathbf{Current\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Current\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{1049000}}{\mathbf{826000}}\mathbf{= 1.27:1}\

 \left( \mathbf{b} \right)\mathbf{Acid\ Test\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Liquid\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{6762000}}{\mathbf{826000}}\mathbf{= 0.82:1}\

 \left( \mathbf{c} \right)\mathbf{Absolute\ Liquid\ Ratio =}\frac{\mathbf{Absolute\ Liquid\ Assets}}{\mathbf{Current\ Liabilities}}\mathbf{=}\frac{\mathbf{130600}}{\mathbf{826000}}\mathbf{= 0.16:1}\

For More Problems and Solutions of Accounting Ratios, Click here

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